hifth@theicmacademy.org 301-363-2350
hifth@theicmacademy.org 301-363-2350

ICMA Hifth School


About Our School

ICM Academy Hifth School (ICMA Hifth School), is located in Gaithersburg Maryland, and is one of the oldest communities in Montgomery County. With the growing population, ICMA Hifth School has been in pursuit of creating a full-time Hifth school.  ICMA aims to establish the Quran and Sunnah, build a strong community, and deliver academic excellence to the next generation of Muslims.

Rooted by the teachings of our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and paired with the most impactful and rigorous curriculum, ICMA is driven to provide the Muslim youth of the community a safe and educational environment to learn, grow, and become successful Muslims; Paving the Way to Enlightened Hearts.

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