ICMA and ICMA Hifth School is an extension of The Islamic Center of Maryland (ICM). ICM is a 501-C3 non-profit organization with an operational philosophy based on the Holy Qur’an and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Muslim families who visit ICM work toward fulfilling their religious obligations and striving for spiritual, intellectual, social, and economic well-being.
The Center strives to build a working relationship with people of all faiths to promote understanding, tolerance, and activism that benefits all. For more information about services and programs, please visit ICOMD.org.
The Islamic Center of Maryland is a religious and educational non-profit organization where all activities are guided by and do not contradict the teachings of Islam. The Center complies with the laws of the United States as well as the rules and regulations of the Internal Revenue Service for non-profit organizations.
ICMA Hifth school aims to establish the Quran and Sunnah in our children’s hearts, build a strong community, and deliver academic excellence to the next generation of Muslims. Rooted in the most impactful curriculum, and the teachings of our Prophet (pbuh), ICMA Hifth school will continue to Pave the Way to Enlightened Hearts.
The key to success for ICMA Hifth school is to provide the best possible environment for the next generation of Muslims. ICMA Hifth school is working closely with (director name coming soon…) to create the most impactful memorization technique that will deliver the best education to each individual students. ICMA Hifth school will insha’Allah be a safe space for our children and community.
ICMA campus was completed in 2021 with the full support of the community. The campus is accessible to everyone and a special tour of the facility is made available upon request. On this tour, you will have the opportunity to meet our admissions representative, facilities, as well as faculty who will all share the vision of ICMA.
Book your campus tour by emailing: hifth@theicmacademy.org